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Updated: 2 hours 7 min ago

Magic moment for five generations of same family

1st June 2024
Five generations of one family gather for the first time as the youngest visits London from Australia.

‘Aposiopesis’: Watch 12-year-old win US Spelling Bee

31st May 2024
Bruhat Soma correctly spelled words like ‘caixinha’ and ‘sciniph’ to take home the $50,000 prize.

Nigerian students seeking help from food charity

31st May 2024
Teesside University students hit by Nigeria's economic crisis are being helped by a Thornaby charity.

Pupils and dementia patients bond over childhood memories

30th May 2024
Pupils from Riverdale Primary School have been learning about dementia from older people with the disease.

Tax online giants to help kids' mental health, say Lib Dems

30th May 2024
Lib Dems to triple taxes on social media giants to fund mental health professionals in all schools.

Fight for son's school place 'a nightmare' – mum

30th May 2024
The mother of a SEND pupil said the struggle to get him a place took its toll on the family.

Why am I dreaming I have an exam I didn't study for?

30th May 2024
Ever dreamt that you're late for an exam? Or you don't know the answers? Here's why that might be.

Gaza war protesters occupy university building

29th May 2024
Some 50 students lock themselves inside, and claim they could be there for two months.

Crisis-hit students not being removed - university

29th May 2024
Students struggling to pay fees amid a Nigerian currency crisis hand a letter to university bosses.

'I've only caught three exam cheats in 25 years'

29th May 2024
An exam invigilator shares her secrets: No squeaky shoes, no jingling keys and watch out for amorous pigeons.

'I've only caught three exam cheats in 25 years'

29th May 2024
An exam invigilator shares her secrets: No squeaky shoes, no jingling keys and watch out for amorous pigeons.

PM pledges to swap 'rip-off' degrees for apprenticeships

28th May 2024
The Conservatives say they would replace some degrees with 100,000 new apprenticeships per year.

Crisis-hit students plead for more time over fees

28th May 2024
Overseas students are struggling to pay tuition fees amid a currency crisis in Nigeria.

Students barricade university exam building

28th May 2024
Exams are being disrupted as a protest group occupies one of the university's buildings.

Mental health cited for pupils missing school

28th May 2024
Pupils are having panic attacks before school and staff are visiting homes to tackle attendance.

The 85-year-old student doing her fourth degree

28th May 2024
Lucille Terry encourages other older people who are thinking of doing a degree to "just go for it".

The 85-year-old student doing her fourth degree

28th May 2024
Lucille Terry encourages other older people who are thinking of doing a degree to "just go for it".

'I put off starting a family because of a £300 rent rise'

28th May 2024
Women share their stories of how they feel renting has held them back in life.

'Why now?' UK teens respond to Tory national service scheme

27th May 2024
Young people are split by the Conservative's pledge to introduce national service for 18-year-olds.

Periods during exams were a 'nightmare'

25th May 2024
A woman recalled writhing in period pain during her A-levels as she struggled to concentrate.


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