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Updated: 1 hour 46 min ago

Head blames Tories and Labour for school closure

12th June 2024
Elizabeth Laffeaty-Sharpe says the prep school she founded is being "squeezed from all sides".

Head blames Tories and Labour for school closure

12th June 2024
Elizabeth Laffeaty-Sharpe says the prep school she founded is being "squeezed from all sides".

What happened when 10 teens gave up their smartphones?

12th June 2024
Will, Ruby and Grace are among those swapping their devices for basic phones, for five days.

What happened when 10 teens gave up their smartphones?

12th June 2024
Will, Ruby and Grace are among those swapping their devices for basic phones, for five days.

Young voters on key issues and 'snubs'

12th June 2024
Some students at BHASVIC say politicians do not take them seriously as they share key issues.

Flights offer for crisis-hit Nigerian students

11th June 2024
Some students at Teesside University are being seriously affected by the Nigerian currency crisis.

Bluey cartoon disrupts election count plans

10th June 2024
Bluey's live theatre show gives a headache for those trying to organise an election count.

Parents asked to put away phones at school gate

10th June 2024
The headteacher says he is trying to "resurrect the joy of conversation back into the community".

Labour pledges 100,000 new childcare places

10th June 2024
The funding will come from Labour's plan to levy VAT on private schools, the party says.

Exercise challenge 'brought me back to my dad'

10th June 2024
Charlotte Greatorex says her challenge was in honour of her father, who died when she was nine.

'I could have ended up homeless after my parents died'

8th June 2024
Hannah and Charlie are thriving after a tough start but their supported housing is under threat.

Would a 1.40pm Friday finish stop teachers quitting?

6th June 2024
The number of teachers in England has risen - but so has the number leaving, the latest figures reveal.

Would a 1.40pm Friday finish stop teachers quitting?

6th June 2024
The number of teachers in England has risen - but so has the number leaving, the latest figures reveal.

I need two jobs to pay for driving lessons - teen

6th June 2024
Beca says almost all her salary goes on the cost of living, leaving her nothing spare each month.

Boys asking teachers how to choke girls during sex

5th June 2024
Dr Tamasine Preece says boys have asked her if "a soft squeeze on the neck is OK".

Plans shelved for shorter school holidays in Wales

4th June 2024
Plans to shorten the school holidays from six to five weeks have been paused by the Welsh government.

'Insomnia was part of why I quit being a teacher'

4th June 2024
Treatment for insomnia is hard to get, with one woman saying she has suffered her entire life.

Move to home education biggest since pandemic

3rd June 2024
The number of pupils moving to home education has risen by 22% in the past year.

How afternoon tea helps inmates learn life skills

2nd June 2024
BBC London went to HMP Pentonville to see how the DofE awards hopefuls are doing the course behind bars.

Labour plans apprenticeship funding shake-up

1st June 2024
Labour say they'll give businesses more flexibility on how they spend apprenticeships levy funding.


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