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Updated: 1 hour 16 min ago

City's schools say pupil attendance is 'broken'

24th April 2024
The head teachers send a letter to families over plummeting attendance figures.

School says 11-hour-day pilot is for pupil wellbeing

24th April 2024
The school, with 40% of pupils eligible for free meals, says it provides a "private school service".

Government cancelled plans to test free childcare rollout, says watchdog

24th April 2024
The National Audit Office says a £35m pilot to test the expansion of free childcare in a few areas was cancelled.

Mass arrests made as US Gaza campus protests spread

23rd April 2024
Protesters at NYU and Yale are arrested while Columbia cancels in-person classes for safety.

Drag queen Lady Bushra on growing up in Bradford

23rd April 2024
Lady Bushra, one of the UK's best-known British Asian drag queens, opens up about his first UK tour.

Drag queen Lady Bushra on growing up in Bradford

23rd April 2024
Lady Bushra, one of the UK's best-known British Asian drag queens, opens up about his first UK tour.

Drag queen Lady Bushra on growing up in Bradford

23rd April 2024
Lady Bushra, one of the UK's best-known British Asian drag queens, opens up about his first UK tour.

Birthday card delivered almost nine years late

22nd April 2024
A father says his 10-year-old son was "gobsmacked" to receive a birthday card almost nine years late.

Going to university 'transformed my life'

21st April 2024
Dr Suzella Palmer dropped out of school aged 14, but returned to education and is now a lecturer.

Parents in NI march for help with childcare bills

20th April 2024
Parents in Northern Ireland do not get any free childcare, unlike those in other parts of the UK.

How play helped girl with arthritis to laugh again

20th April 2024
Sfiyah was diagnosed with juvenile idiopathic arthritis when she was just nine.

'Who tells your story?' Hamilton stars ask students

19th April 2024
Hamilton actors teach Belfast children confidence and to speak up for what they believe in.

DfE says 85,000 more free childcare places needed

19th April 2024
The Department for Education estimates about 40,000 staff are also needed in England by September 2025.

Almost a quarter of kids aged 5-7 have smartphones

19th April 2024
The regulator calls the data a "wake up call", and says parents and industry need to do more.

EU proposes some free movement for UK young people

18th April 2024
The EU Commission says UK and EU citizens under 30 should be able to work or study for up to four years.

NHS weight management service offered to under fours

18th April 2024
Severely obese pre-schoolers in Somerset are among the first to receive NHS weight management help.

England set for highest suspensions in school year

18th April 2024
Unions say schools do not have enough resources to support persistently disruptive pupils.

Student rations ADHD medication ahead of exams

18th April 2024
Students share their concerns about the medication shortage ahead of GCSEs.

Climate change education needs review, say experts

18th April 2024
Cambridge Press & Assessment survey says students need to be empowered with skills and knowledge.

Paedophiles could lose parental rights under new law

17th April 2024
It comes after the BBC reported a mum's fight to stop her ex-husband getting access to their child.


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